Sport Nunchaku(SNUK) or any instructor associated with the SNUK, will not accept liability for any personal injuries or accidents resulting from the improper practice or use of any of the techniques listed in this site, on any self-defence/short courses, workshops or whilst visiting the Dojo at Windermere headquaters.

All martial arts techniques, if performed incorrectly, can cause serious injury and should not be attempted without supervision from a qualified martial arts instructor.

All Sport Nunchaku students must purchase a licence which includes adequate and proper insurance for martial arts practice prior to commencing training.

This is in accordance with the rules laid down by Sport Nunchaku U.K.

Registration and Insurance Renewals

All insurance renewals are the responsibility of the Student/parent. If you are not insured you can’t officially train in the club. Please see you club sensei for a registration renewal form 2 weeks prior to the expiry date.

Matt Etiquette

Etiquette is important within the club. The student must conform to the 10 rules of the dojo. This is given to every new student when registering. The student must respect and honour the Sensei and club at all times, on and off the matt.


Only the official Gi (Sport Nunchaku) suit should be worn and all correct number of badges should be sown prior to the grading ie; When taking yellow belt 1 badge, orange 2 badges etc. No tattoos, wrist bands of any kind should be visible whilst training on the matt. All earings, bracelets, rings,(of any kind)and watches should be removed before entering the dojo. Piercings that can not be removed must be covered with a plaster or appropiate band aid. (visible or not)

Direct Debits

2 weeks written notice is needed to cancel a Direct Debit and can be done so from the link below.


Monthly Classes

Any missed classes can be made up within the same paid month, but cannot be carried through to the following month.

SNUK cannot accept responsibility for any lessons cancelled due to an Act of God which refers to, but is not solely inclusive of; snow, floods, fire.

Workshops & Courses

Once a deposit has been made for the workshop or course, under no circumstances will it be refunded. This is also the case of the full payment, unless a doctor’s note can be provided or some physical accident which prevents the student from attending ie: broken arm.

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